Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Best Sequels Ever


The Broke and The Bookish‘s topic for this week is out Top Ten Best Sequels Ever. There were a few easy choices for me this week but not nearly enough for 10 as I often find the sequels aren’t quite as good but I have managed to pick out 9 (some from the same series) that I thought were particularly good.


  • Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver Delirium Trilogy
  • Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games Trilogy
  • Passion by Lauren Kate Fallen Series
  • The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe by CS Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia
  • Brother to the Death by Darren Shan The Larten Crepsley Saga
  • Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling Harry Potter
  • Tunnels of Blood by Darren Shan The Darren Shan Saga
  • Trials of Death by Darren Shan The Darren Shan Saga
  • Angel Fire by LA Weatherly Angel Trilogy 










What Are Your Favourite Or Worst Sequels ?

Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Freebie – Top Ten Bookish Animals Pet Names

This week I have chosen to do my Top Ten Freebie from The Broke and The Bookish‘s Top Ten Tuesay on Top Ten Bookish Animal Pet Names. I have restricted myself to just the names of animals in books just to make it a bit more interesting (plus gives me another topic for another freebie week). This is one of my rare lists that I am putting in order so here are my favourite animal pet names.

  1. Wilbur – this is the name of both the cat from Winnie the Witch and the pig in Charlotte’s Web
  2. Reepcheep – I may like this as much as I do mainly because of the film but it’s still a great name
  3. Templeton – in Charlotte’s web the rat is called Templeton and he’s just an amusing character with a worthy name
  4. Padfoot – this may be a little controversial when it comes to my restrictions but…
  5. Faulks – although we can’t ever get a pheonix this is  still a really cool name
  6. Aslan – I think I could only call a cat Aslan and he would have to be ginger and fluffy just like the lion in Narnia
  7. Sebastian – This is the name of the cat from Teri Terry’s Slated
  8. Toto – from the Wizard of Oz of course
  9. Mrs Norris – Might have trouble taking this one seriously but she had such a good relationship with Filtch
  10. Hedwig – who wouldn’t want their own beautiful owl like Harry had, or at least a pet just like her

What Animals From Books Would You Name Your Pets After?

Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Rewind – Top Ten Movie Adaptations

This week I have picked from The Broke and The Bookish rewind list Top Ten Movie Adaptations. However I am not going to write the normal top ten layout I am going to share me favourite and worst adaptations and the couple that sit on the fence.

Favourite Adaptations – For me these are the adaptations that I think kepp well to the books of in the case of the last two are even better than the books.

  • Now is Good 
  • The Chronicles of  Narnia 
  • The Hunger Games 
  • The Hobbit 
  • The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 

Worst Adaptation – For different reasons these are bad adaptations. The first is mostly due to bad actors, the second is because they put too much of the rest of the series in and the last because the completely changed the ending. Although I did still cry the first time I saw it.

  • Twilight 
  • Cirque Du Freak – The Vampires Assistant 
  • My Sister’s Keeper 

Adaptations on the Fence – These films are ones that I do actually really enjoy however they do waver from the book so I can’t say they are my favourite.

  • Harry Potter Series 
  • The Wizard of Oz 

What Are Your Favourite And Worst Movie Adaptations?

Happy Christmas – Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Freebie – Top Ten Bookish Gifts – Top Ten Christmas Movies

Merry Christmas !!! Hope You are having a great day and have been given lots of books from Santa 🙂

As it is Christmas today, this weeks topic from The Broke and The Bookish is Top Ten Books Freebie as I am sure there will be lots of people who wont be posting today because they are having lots of fun. I must admit I probably wont be on my blog today but thanks to the power of scheduling I actually wrote this post over a month ago.

In keeping with the theme of they day my list today is my Top Ten Bookish Gifts. These my 10 favourite book/ book related gifts I have received, and one I am hoping Santa may bring this year.

1. M.Edge Reading Light 

This light is designed to go along with my kindle cover but it also make a great general reading light. There is a slit in my cover for the light to slip in by there is also a bit on it so you can add it to the cover of a paper back too making it good for any kind of reading. The other great thing about it that there is three different strengths of light so it is totally versatile. 

2. Dictionary

This is possibly my favourite bookish gift ever. I have been given a dictionary as a gift twice in my life and both of them I have loved. I have always had issues spelling so it is very useful for that but I also love it because I love words. I’m not sure why but it is interesting how so many words exist and when you are reading a book and come across new words I know I have my dictionary handy to look them up. 

3. Kindle

 There is much debate among book lovers over e-readers but because I was going camping for three week I really needed a more convenient way to be able to read. I do love my kindle because it saves me so much space and weight when travelling but also money as the books are cheaper and you get some interesting free reads. 

4. M.Edge Kindle Cover 

After I got my kindle I was desperate for a cover for it because it felt wrong not being able to hold it like a real book. This is a really sturdy cover but still looks stylish.

5. Roald Dhal Treasury 

I have had this book for a long time and have lost the dust cover for it but I love it. It is full of extracts from his books, some of his shorter stories and information about him and his illustrator. It is a lovely gift for someone who loves his work and is still available today. 

6. Am I Bovvered The Catherine Tate Show Scripts 

The Catherine Tate Show was one of my favourites when I was a young teenager and I went through a phase of quoting the more well known catchphrases. 

7. Italian Key Phrases Bookmark 

This was a gift given to me before I went to Italy for the first time. It’s full of really useful phrases and with the magnet on it meant that I could put it in the book I was reading there and not loose it.

8. The Jane Austen Complete Collection

I have still never read any of these books but I love having them all because I do want to read them eventually.

9. The Chronicles of Narnia 

Santa brought me this collection last year after I put it on my list. The films are always shown at Christmas and I really wanted something to read the had a Christmas feel too it. I am only two stories in but hopefully this Christmas I’ll get a bit further. 

10. Personal Library Kit 

This is the one that is on my list for this year. I am always loaning books to my friends who then take them off to uni and would be great to be able to keep track of them.

As a little extra I am also putting up my Top Ten Favourite Christmas Movies. If I am honest I usually watch films around Christmas rather than read. I haven’t read many Christmas themed books so it is Christmas films that really get me in the spirit. For are change, here are my favourites IN ORDER!

1. Miracle on 34th Street (1994)

This will always be my favourite Christmas film, I love Mara Wilson’s character, she is so clever for her age but still so young and full of hope. I also think Richard Attenborough makes the best Santa.

2. The Santa Clause

This play on words make this film a great watch, I love the idea that it really is a clause.

3. Fred Clause

Being the brother of Santa must be really hard work and this film shows that in a comic way.

4. Santa Who

Imagine the chaos if Santa really did loose his memory?

5. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (2005)

I’m not sure if this really counts as a Christmas movie but it is also played around Christmas time and so it always puts me in the Christmas spirit. I think because it is also about having a little faith in something magical that makes so many happy.

6. Mary Poppins

I know this isn’t a Christmas film at all but this is also one that is played around Christmas. It’s another one with a little bit or magic to it.

7. The Greatest Store In The World (1999 BBC Film)

I can remember seeing this for the first time on CBBC and thinking it was actually quite scary. The men that are trying to rob the store still freak me out. But it shows how all parents will do anything to give their kids some sort of magic at Christmas and it will also remind me of being a kid at Christmas.

8. Elf

This is just a really fun feel good film and after my Religion teacher went on about it for a whole year it will always remind me of her.

9. Jack Frost (1998)

When we were little we use to all watch this together at Christmas time. Although I like other films now to put my in the mood for Christmas I feel it is tradition still to watch this.

10. The Santa Clause 2

As is often the case with sequels this film isn’t as good as the first but is till a good film and make me feel Christmasy.

Hope Everyone is Having A Great Day. Happy Holidays.

Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Series I Haven’t Finished

A new week and a new topic from The Broke and the Bookish. This week it’s the Top Ten Series I Haven’t Finished. Although I did have a list for this fairly quickly it doesn’t include ten books. I tend to not like not finishing series when I start them but there are a few that have been neglected.

  1. The House of Night Series by PC Cast & Kristin Cast I was surprised when I started reading these as I did enjoy them however when it came to book 6 they changed the style of writing and I just never managed to get into it. Since then I have never gone back to reading them. 
  2. The Medusa Project Series by Sophie McKenzie Usually I enjoy Sophie McKenzie’s way of mixing action with more female writing but I just got a bit bored of this series. It was too similar a story in each book. 
  3. Shiver Series by Maggie Stiefvater I don’t really have a reason for not finishing this series, however I do plan on finishing it.
  4. The Declaration Series by Gemma Malley I own the next book in this series I just haven’t got round to reading it. I have tried to but it’s a hard back copy and I struggle to read them. 
  5. A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket I only own the first three books in this series so I guess that’s why I have never finished it.
  6. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis For Christmas last year I got the book of all these stories. I read the first three but I was kind of disappointed and stopped there. 
  7. Ally’s World by Karen McCombie This is a strange one as I only have the 5th book in this series and I read it so long ago I can’t remember. I tried to look for the the rest of the series but I never came across it so I just gave up on it. 
  8. Traveler’s Series by Claudia Lefeve I got the first book in this series free on the kindle. I wasn’t impressed by it though so I don’t really want to get the rest because you have to pay for them. I may give in though as I feel I should finish the series and although it wasn’t great I do kind of want to know what happens.