Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Freebie – Top Ten Bookish Animals Pet Names

This week I have chosen to do my Top Ten Freebie from The Broke and The Bookish‘s Top Ten Tuesay on Top Ten Bookish Animal Pet Names. I have restricted myself to just the names of animals in books just to make it a bit more interesting (plus gives me another topic for another freebie week). This is one of my rare lists that I am putting in order so here are my favourite animal pet names.

  1. Wilbur – this is the name of both the cat from Winnie the Witch and the pig in Charlotte’s Web
  2. Reepcheep – I may like this as much as I do mainly because of the film but it’s still a great name
  3. Templeton – in Charlotte’s web the rat is called Templeton and he’s just an amusing character with a worthy name
  4. Padfoot – this may be a little controversial when it comes to my restrictions but…
  5. Faulks – although we can’t ever get a pheonix this is  still a really cool name
  6. Aslan – I think I could only call a cat Aslan and he would have to be ginger and fluffy just like the lion in Narnia
  7. Sebastian – This is the name of the cat from Teri Terry’s Slated
  8. Toto – from the Wizard of Oz of course
  9. Mrs Norris – Might have trouble taking this one seriously but she had such a good relationship with Filtch
  10. Hedwig – who wouldn’t want their own beautiful owl like Harry had, or at least a pet just like her

What Animals From Books Would You Name Your Pets After?

Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Favourite Covers Of Books I’ve Read

The Broke and The Bookish having given us the topic this week of Top Ten Fourite Covers Of Books I’ve Read. Seen as I did this one last year I’m just going to pick my favourites from the books I have read so far this year. A lot of my reading this year has been re-read so there may be a few the same but there is plenty of new ones too.


  • Girl, Defective by Simmone Howell
  • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
  • Dead Time by Anne Cassidy
  • Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter
  • The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz
  • Matched by Ally Condie
  • Crossed by Ally Condie
  • Reached by Ally Condie
  • How Girl Guides Won The War by Janie Hampton
  • Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan


What Are Your Favourite Book Covers?

Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Rewind – Top Ten Movie Adaptations

This week I have picked from The Broke and The Bookish rewind list Top Ten Movie Adaptations. However I am not going to write the normal top ten layout I am going to share me favourite and worst adaptations and the couple that sit on the fence.

Favourite Adaptations – For me these are the adaptations that I think kepp well to the books of in the case of the last two are even better than the books.

  • Now is Good 
  • The Chronicles of  Narnia 
  • The Hunger Games 
  • The Hobbit 
  • The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 

Worst Adaptation – For different reasons these are bad adaptations. The first is mostly due to bad actors, the second is because they put too much of the rest of the series in and the last because the completely changed the ending. Although I did still cry the first time I saw it.

  • Twilight 
  • Cirque Du Freak – The Vampires Assistant 
  • My Sister’s Keeper 

Adaptations on the Fence – These films are ones that I do actually really enjoy however they do waver from the book so I can’t say they are my favourite.

  • Harry Potter Series 
  • The Wizard of Oz 

What Are Your Favourite And Worst Movie Adaptations?

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Book blurb

Join Dorothy Gale, Toto, and all of her friends as they explore the incredible land of Oz. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is American’s most enduring fairy tale. From the moment Dorothy puts on the silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers by MGM to take advantage of their new advance in movie making: color) until the moment she clicks her heels and returns home to Kansas you will be swept away and captivated by her extraordinary story.

My Synopsis

When Dorothy is caught in a cyclone she finds her whole house lifted up into the air where she remains till she lands in a strange land. There there is a land so much more colourful than Kansas and the people are small but grateful for her house has killed the wicked witch of the East. As a reward the good witch of the north gives her the silver shoes that had been on the witch but Dorothy still wants to go home. The witch tells her she cannot get her their but the Wizard of Oz may be able to and to find him she must follow the yellow brick road. 

Along the road to the Emerald city where the wizard lives Dorothy is met by both friends and dangers. She is joined in her quest by a scarecrow, a tin woodman and a lion who hope to also get something from the wizard. When they final reach him however he requires them to do a task for him first. To kill the wicked witch of the west. Again the group have to set of but this mission is just as dangerous and they think it’s their last chance to get their wished from the wizard. 


I only recently learnt that the well known film The Wizard of Oz was based on a book, although I had always suspected it might be. This I think effected my opinion of the book because it is a film I have adored for a long time and I couldn’t help but compare the two  leaning in favor of the film. The book is actually quite dark. There are a few times where dark creatures are trying to hurt the group and have to be killed and the wicked witch of the west wants to keep both Dorothy and the Lion as her slaves. It was still an interesting story where more of Oz is explored than in the film and we get to meet more of the people there. There a few major difference too though, for example the slippers are silver not ruby and it is the good witch of the North she meets at the start and Glinda is the good witch of the South who we don’t meet till the end. 

There are 14 books written by Baum set in Oz and I have got them all now on my kindle so I plan on returning to Oz in the rest of the series throughout the year but I think these are books to read as a child or too children.