The Black Pear

I got this book free on the kindle and it was a good read. Like nothing I have read before.

This I think is the most interesting book I have read.
The main character, Emily, move home with her family in order to make a new start after not dealing with the past. When she gets there however her fears do not go away as a pear tree outside her window seems to have a life of its own. Within the tree she find the necklace of a girl named Alice. Throughout the book she realises the ghost of her past and this new one are trying to contact her and with the help of a new school friend and her  neighbour comes to terms at last.
This book was really interesting to read. You wanted to know about her past and about Alice’s. It also made me feel uneasy and even scared along with the character and that is something I haven’t experienced in a book before. I would definitely recommend it although it is only on the kindle and no longer free.

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