Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Rewind – Top Ten Movie Adaptations

This week I have picked from The Broke and The Bookish rewind list Top Ten Movie Adaptations. However I am not going to write the normal top ten layout I am going to share me favourite and worst adaptations and the couple that sit on the fence.

Favourite Adaptations – For me these are the adaptations that I think kepp well to the books of in the case of the last two are even better than the books.

  • Now is Good 
  • The Chronicles of  Narnia 
  • The Hunger Games 
  • The Hobbit 
  • The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 

Worst Adaptation – For different reasons these are bad adaptations. The first is mostly due to bad actors, the second is because they put too much of the rest of the series in and the last because the completely changed the ending. Although I did still cry the first time I saw it.

  • Twilight 
  • Cirque Du Freak – The Vampires Assistant 
  • My Sister’s Keeper 

Adaptations on the Fence – These films are ones that I do actually really enjoy however they do waver from the book so I can’t say they are my favourite.

  • Harry Potter Series 
  • The Wizard of Oz 

What Are Your Favourite And Worst Movie Adaptations?

Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Most Frustrating Characters Ever

This week The Broke and The Bookish have given us a great topic, out Top Ten Most Frustrating Characters Ever. I think this is a brilliant topic cause there are some character’s that really drive me crazy.

1. Seb from Angel Fire by L.A. Weatherly It really frustrated me when Seb was introduced into this series because I didn’t want anyone getting in the way of Willow and Alex. Throughout the book he seems so sure of himself and how he wants to love willow and I just find it arrogant. I don’t want them to end up together. 

2. Corrine Dollanganger from Flowers in the Attic by Virginia Andrews How any mother could do what she does to her children is beyond me. I don’t know how anyone can not be frustrated be her.

3. Aaron from The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness This may give a little bit away about the book if you haven’t read it by Aaron really annoyed me because he just wouldn’t die. He kept coming back and getting in the way at the last minute. 

4. Zack from Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter Zack particularlt annoys me in the latest book of this series because he can’t just admit his feelings for Cammie and let them be together. He even lets her think bad of him and although it is because of his spy training it still infuriates me.

5. Lena from The Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl In the second book in this series Lena goes totally off the rails and I just can’t understand her. It seems to go against everything she says in the first book and that annoys me. 

6. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien I don’t know is this counts but the reason Bilbo frustrates me is because he isn’t a likeable character in the book but in the film he is palyed by Martin Freeman who I think it brilliant. 

7. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen How can anyone not find Darcy frustating? He can’t seem to allow himself to accept his feelings for Elizabeth and seems ignorant to the fact he is seem by other as pompus

8. Tally from Uglies by Scott Westerfeld Tally is just one of those main characters that there is nothing to like about her. She can’t make up her mind about what she wants and ends up taking the wrong side and turning into everything she didn’t want to be. 

9. Peeta Mallark from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Peeta is only frustrating in the last book in the series and it isn’t really his fault but it frustrates me how he looses his memory. All through the series his love and how he treats Katniss is that of a perfect gentleman and it drives me crazy that he looses all of that.

10. Edward Cullen from The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer I do mostly like Edward however there are a few things that really frustrate me about him. The first was when he leaves in the second book. I understand why he does it but it really is unnecessary and not only does he put her in more danger but breaks his promise her. The other things are in the last book, one when he wont believe that he hasn’t hurt her after they sleep together and then wont sleep with her again and then again with the way he deals with the pregnancy. 

Which Character’s Really Frustrate You?

The Hobbit

 The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and contented hobbit whose life is turned upside down when he joins the wizard Gandalf and thirteen dwarves on their quest to reclaim stolen treasure. It is a journey fraught with danger and in the end it is Bilbo Baggins alone who must face the guardian of this treasure, the most dreaded dragon in all Middle-earth.

Bilbo Baggins is a respectable hobbit who enjoys his quite life. However the more adventurous nature of his mothers side is about to be forced out of him when wizard Gandalf visits. Just a day later he finds himself hosting 13 dwarves and being part of their party as they set off to reclaim the treasure and home that was once theirs.

Once the set off however they have many more battles to face. With the help of Gandalf, they struggle through the start of their journey, loosing their supplies and coming into contact with goblins. It is here Bilbo meets Gollum, a meeting that soon proves to be his saving. The dwarves don’t think very much of Bilbo and he continually wishes to be back in his home. When Gandalf leave them however Bilbo finally comes into his own and after being attacked by spiders and elves they realise he really is a hero.

Thankfully though they are able to rest with welcoming people along the way and finally make it to the mountain where their treasure is guarded by the dragon. Little do they know however there are about to be bigger battles ahead.

My overall review of this book is that it is interesting but I don’t find it great. As I was reading it I kept thinking it would be better read allowed. There are a couple of things that really bothered me about it. Once I can’t say without giving away the plot but the other was that I found Bilbo to be a difficult character to like. He more likable as the story went on but I struggle to enjoy books that have a main character you don’t like.

This wasn’t a bad book but I have to admit I am looking forward to seeing the film more, it’s not often, or possible ever, that I will say that.